Whisky Peat's Beat

Peat's Beast, created in 2011, is not just the idea of one person, but the collaboration of several great minds. Like all good drinks, it's the combination of key ingredients that makes all the difference.

Eamonn Jones was Regional Manager at Whyte & Mackay, responsible for sales of Dalmore, Jura and other major brands. Gerald Erdrich was his distinguished importer. Together, these two great minds decided to come together and use their expertise and ingredients to create one brand, one beast.

Who could bring this beast to life? To do so, we needed a creative genius. Our dear friend Mark Graham, now deceased, took on the role of designer. In collaboration with Los Angeles-based Brazilian artist Dough Alves, the iconic beast was born.

Now it was up to other great minds to ensure that the Beast would have punch. A wild and ferocious beast that ignites your senses with smoke and fire right from the start. Industry legend Richard Paterson, also known as "The Nose", confirmed that the drink's attributes were never less than brilliant. Aidan Smith, Eamonn Jones' business partner and industry colleague of 30 years, ensured that quality was maintained every step of the way.

And there you have it. A mix of great minds, great brains and great friends have created a fantastic single malt.

The Beast is born!

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