Whisky Caol Ila

Caol Ila (pronounced coul-ila - Gaelic for Islay Strait) is a whisky distillery located on the Isle of Islay near Port Askaig, Scotland, where it's not uncommon to see seals frolicking. The distillery was founded in 1846 on a site chosen by Hector Henderson and briefly taken over by Norman Buchanan, owner of the Isle of Jura distillery, in 18541. It is now owned by Diageo. In 2018, the distillery's manager is Frenchman Pierrick Guillaume.

Its stills comprise three wash stills and three spirits stills. Production is 3.6 million liters of alcohol per year.

It produces a highly renowned single malt sold under its own name and by independent bottlers who showcase this single malt with its iodized, smoky, peaty flavour:

  • Caol Ila 12 years
  • Caol Ila 18 years old
  • Caol Ila Cask Strength
  • Caol Ila 8 ans Unpeated Style Bottled in 2006
  • Caol Ila 25 years 1978
  • Caol Ila 25 years 1979
  • and formerly a 15-year-old Caol Ila in the Flora & Fauna range