Cigars E. P. Carrillo Elite Series A Master Achievement

Hours spent in tobacco plantations and fields in search of the perfect leaf. Hours spent in the factory blending to create the perfect cigar. These are the hours that go into the creation of the Elite series. The E. P. Carrillo cigars that earn the name Elite are classified as such because of their unique tobaccos and blends, making each one a masterpiece in terms of flavor, character and time spent.

CHF 200.00

Box of 20 cigars.

CHF 285.60

Box of 24 cigars.

CHF 224.40

Box of 24 cigars.

CHF 138.00

Box of 20 cigars.

CHF 165.00

Box of 20 cigars.

CHF 225.00

Box of 20 cigars.

CHF 180.00

Box of 20 cigars.