Dive into cigar-making tradition with the "beginner's selection" 6×1
Discovering the complex and rich world of cigars often begins with a hesitant step, where curiosity and a desire for sophistication intermingle. "La Sélection du Débutant", a set of six carefully selected cigars, offers a first encounter with cigar culture, each module representing a distinct aspect of the craftsmanship and flavors offered by this universe.
A range of flavours
"La Sélection du Débutant" is a kaleidoscope of gustatory nuances, designed to educate the palate. With their varied diameters and lengths, these cigars have been designed to reflect both the diversity of construction and the breadth of tasting possibilities. Their low wattage makes them ideal companions for a gentle introduction.
A prestigious range
- 1 cigar Arturo Fuente Gran Reserva Rothschild
- 1 cigar Gilbert De Montsalvat Classic Robusto
- 1 cigar Camacho Connecticut Robusto
- 1 cigar Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure N°2
- 1 cigar Avo XO Intermezzo
- 1 cigar Flor de Selva Anniversario 20 Robusto
Development process and legacy
Each cigar in this range has been crafted using traditional methods, which respectfully combine ancestral knowledge with modern technology. From leaf selection to fermentation, to meticulous rolling in the expert hands of torcedores, every step is guaranteed by the seal of experience and passion.
Embodiment of Global Terroirs
Tasting a cigar is like reading a history book; each print reveals a page from the land that gave birth to it. The rich and varied soils of the Dominican Republic, Honduras and Nicaragua have given these cigars their own identity, marked by unique aromas and flavors that tell the story of where they come from.
A harmonious visual palette
Aesthetics are not outdone by this assortment, where each cigar boasts its own distinctive color, a reflection of the land and the care taken in its cultivation. The modules are distinguished by delicate veining and hues ranging from light amber to deep brown, promising a complete sensory experience.