Double Corona" cigar discovery offer 4×2
Introducing a meticulously selected assortment of Double Corona cigars, this discovery offer is aimed at lovers of quality wrappers, binders and trippers. Each cigar in this pack has been chosen for its ability to offer a varied and profound tasting experience, always with respect for tradition.
A palette of authentic flavours
The cigar lover will find in this pack a selection representative of the different terroirs and manufacturing methods. From woody and spicy notes to hints of chocolate and coffee, each cigar contributes to an aromatic panel that will satisfy a demanding palate.
Quality first and foremost
Each cigar presented in this offer is the fruit of a rigorous manufacturing process, in which time and expertise play a central role. Tobacco leaves are carefully dried and fermented, guaranteeing consistency in quality and flavor.
A journey through the tobacco regions
The discovery offer takes you on a gustatory journey through different regions renowned for their top-quality tobacco. The terroirs of the Dominican Republic, Cuba and Nicaragua are represented, offering a glimpse of their diversity.
Offer content
- 2 cigars Ashton Virgin Sun Grown Spellbound
- 2 cigars Arturo Fuente Anejo N°49 Double Corona
- 2 cigars Partagas Lusitania
- 2 cigars Undercrown 10 Corona Doble
Tasting and power
These Double Corona cigars, with tasting times estimated between 80 and 100 minutes, offer a variety of experiences in terms of strength, ranging from medium to strong. They allow you to appreciate all the richness and complexity a cigar can offer.
Visual presentation
Each module contains cigars of various sizes, with wrapper colors ranging from light brown to intense dark brown. The texture of the wrappers, smooth or lightly veined, testifies to the quality of the leaves selected and the expert hands that rolled them.