Cookies information

A cookie is a small text file saved on your computer when you visit a website. This text file records information that can be read by a website when you visit it again later. Some of these cookies are necessary to access certain site functions. Other cookies are of practical use to the visitor: they securely store your user name or language preferences, for example. Cookies simply mean that each time you visit a website, you don't have to enter the same information every time.
Cigarpassion uses cookies to provide you with the best possible user experience tailored to your personal preferences. By using cookies, Cigarpassion ensures that you don't have to enter the same information every time you visit our online store. Cookies are also used to optimize site performance. For example, they facilitate the ordering process and help you find a specific product more quickly. Cigarpassion has taken all organizational and technical measures to protect your personal data from loss or unlawful processing. For further information, please consult our privacy policy.
You can set your Internet browser to disable cookies. Please note, however, that if you deactivate cookies, your user name and password will no longer be saved on any website.
  1. Open Safari
  2. In the menu bar, click on "Safari", then "Preferences".
  3. Select the "Security" icon
  4. Next to "Accept cookies", check "Never".
  5. If you wish to see the cookies already saved on your computer, click on "Show cookies".
  1. Open Firefox
  2. Click on the menu button and select Preferences
  3. In the drop-down menu next to Accept third-party cookies choose Never
  4. Close the about:preferences page. Any changes you have made will be automatically saved.
  1. Open Google Chrome
  2. Click on "Chrome" in the menu bar
  3. Select Clear navigation data...
  4. Check Cookies and other site and plug-in data.
  5. Click on Clear browsing data.
  6. Close and relaunch Google Chrome.
  7. Cookies have been deleted.


Of course, you can also contact our customer service department at any time. We look forward to hearing from you: Tel: +41 79 104 19 98 Email : [email protected] Address: La Couronne Cave à Cigares & Alcools Fins Place de Rive 34 CH - 1260 Nyon Switzerland