Paroles de Davidoff et Carlos

“L’Homme mûr qui peut donner la main, par dessus les années, au jeune homme qu’il fut est un homme heureux. “
Zino Davidoff

“J’ai vu venir chez moi bien des grands de ce monde, mais aussi, quotidiennement, d’anonymes amateurs qui savent poser la question juste: ” Quelles sont actuellement, monsieur Davidoff, vos plus belles capes.”
Zino Davidoff

“Savoir fumer, c’est retrouver certains rythmes oubliés, tout en rétablissant une communication avec soi-même.”

“S’il y’ a un secret dans le cigare, il est là: dans les gestes lents, dignes, mesurés du fumeur de cigare, je vois plus qu’une habitude, mais une cérémonie !”

Zino Davidoff

Copie du mail envoyé à Carlos Carlito JR Fuente, Président et Owner de Tabacalera Arturo Fuente.

Dear Carlos Junior; “Carlito”

When my mind travels to think about you, I first remember the years you came to Switzerland, for the first Fuente Cigar event ever made in our country that took place in 2002 and 2004.
I then remember the multiple times I went to Santiago to visit your cigar factories, aswell as the exclusive box factory especially made for your cigar production. I also remember these wonderful visits to Château de Fuente. I remember that time, when Cigar Family Foundation had just been created. I remember your passion, your vision, your dreams for tobacco and its industry. Dreams in which you would consider the tobacco workers, the torcedores, the peones, the Guajijos, as much as all the children who lived around Château Fuente. Vivid are my visions of the families that create this absolutely magical atmosphere in this absolutely magical place. I can even see the spectacular colors of the sky scrolling in front of my eyes; sweet memories of every time I had the privilege to visit this special place in your company. I am grateful for the interview you gave to my writer friends and myself, preaching your words, their value and strength in a world like ours. You told us about the impact of a man’s vision on a noble product like tobacco. Considering the hard work you produced during the last 18 years that I know you, Carlito Fuente, you accomplished, a major part of modern history of Fuente Company, its spirit, and as a matter of fact became a real inspiration for the tobacco industry! You invented, improved and created new spaces of freedom to think cigar and tobacco differently, and that by connecting millions of people around that passion. I deeply thank you for your love of tobacco, as much as for the love you have for your people. Above all, I admire your respect for tradition, that desire that pushes you to go further by always bringing another dimension to the world of cigars! Believe it or not, it’s three times that I listened to your last interview, from Amsterdam airport to Geneva. I can fully feel your words: “Tobacco is not only Social, Tobacco is much more, it’s about People, the most important aspect of tobacco… tobacco is SPIRITUAL, tobacco is part of our spiritual belief (…)! The cigar industry should thank you for everything you’ve made till today! I know that much more will be done with your vision in the near future, and that especially because you take part in every single aspect of your production, by growing tobacco from your own seeds, then blend it with your own style. Your cigars are very much like you, noble and true to themselves. a Gentleman and man proud of where he come from, with respect, tradition, hard work, a wise man hope for the future of tobacco and for people all around the world !

Once again, the words resonate: “Tobacco is not only a social product,it is not only a medicine, tobacco, is much more, it’s about People, the most important aspect of tobacco… tobacco is SPIRITUAL, tobacco is part of our spiritual belief.”

Hope to see you as soon as possible in Santiago, Dortmund or Switzerland!

Your friend,




Message de Jeremiah Meerapfel de la maison MMS  since 1876, pour le 40ème Anniversaire de la Maison La Couronne SA

Le 22 juin 2018 au Domaine du Golf Impérial – Gland / Canton de Vaud

Une des plus vielle famille dans l’industrie du tabac premium depuis 1876, 5ème génération à la tête de l’entreprise active dans le trading de tabac, importateur et distributeur de cigares dans le monde entier, celle-ci travaille étroitement avec les marques suivante: Arturo Fuente, Ashton, Padron


Mon cher Alexis,

dans la vie il n’y a pas de coïncidence, la magie opère, nous participons conscient ou non, à la propagation de celle-ci.

Cependant, il nous arrive de croiser des forces particulières, particulièrement positives et positivement formidables.

Des forces en quelque sorte surhumaines, magiques, bref, digne d’un conte de fée. La Couronne symbolise, pour moi, tout ceci et tellement plus.

Dignité des Rois, princes et seigneurs, cette couronne trône sur les bords du Lac Leman comme sur la tête de son empereur.

Un joyau précieux et qualitatif, tout comme son maître.

Alexis, le défenseur, celui qui aide les autres comme le définit son nom, dans le royaume de Poséidon, porte sa couronne sur l’eau – même qui lui procure puissance et bienveillance.

Une personne de qualités profondes telles qu’humilité, honnêteté, gentillesse, intelligence et fidélité.

Alexis, je suis fier de te considérer comme un ami, et te souhaite, à toi, ainsi qu’à La Couronne, bonne santé, succès et longue vie !


Jeremiah E. Meerapfel