Cigars Fuente Fuente Opus X 20th Anniversary

The history of Fuente Fuente Opus X 20th Anniversary cigars

Here we have the benefit of twenty years' production experience at Chateau de la Fuente. Unfortunately, we won't be able to go into detail about the blend and Carlito's personal cuisine. He likes to keep his recipes jealously guarded, and it's easy to understand why. As with the other Opus X ranges, we know that 100% is made from tobacco grown on the family farm. What's different about this cigar is its more measured strength and complexity, probably unheard of in the cigar world. This suggests a blend of (very) old tobaccos! Considering the microscopic quantity offered annually since 2016, it goes without saying that Carlito has reserved his "crème de la crème" for us here. A selection of the world's finest tobaccos and a unique journey to the Dominican Republic!

Opus X, the rarest cigar in the world, a unique cigar, like its history...

Let's go back to the mid-1980s. Carlos Fuente recognized an area near Santiago that bore a striking resemblance to the "pinar del rio" valley, the valley that has made Cuban cigars legendary. He came up with the idea of growing tobacco there, but not just any tobacco - cape tobacco! Yes, cape tobacco in Santo Domingo! The whole industry took him for a fool, saying that if there were a way to grow cape in Santo Domingo, they'd know about it. But he stuck to his guns and succeeded. A farmer's feat, the tobacco that comes out of Chateau de la Fuente is absolutely unique, with a personality that has nothing to envy any of the world's finest tobaccos. A power and aromatic richness that are totally unique. These tobaccos are so distinctive that their taste is unmistakable.

But this cigar is not only innovative in its tobacco, but also in its manufacture. This is where Carlito's creativity comes into play. While the vast majority of cigars are made up of 5 tobacco leaves (wrapper, binder and 3 leaves for the filler), Opus X has as many as 9!


Carlos' answer is simple: "It's so that with every puff, you get a surprise." Indeed, each module is composed like a book, with its own introduction and chapters. But the Torcedores didn't see it that way, and refused to manufacture such cigars. Carlito didn't hesitate; to make his dream come true, he created a school for torcedores, where for 10 months he taught his recruits his vision of cigars. Carlos' gamble paid off once again, and in 1992, the first Opus X came out of the Tabacalera Fuente, making the first Dominican Puros (a cigar in which all the leaves are of the same origin). A perfectionist to the end, Carlos chose to age them for a minimum of 2 years before export, so that the aromas of the different tobaccos would blend harmoniously.

But that's not all, Carlos Fuente is in love with his adopted country, which as you know is the Dominican Republic. In this country, many children are alone or orphaned. Carlito is very sensitive to this and tries to fight against this national scourge. To this end, he organizes charity auctions with some very rare Opus X modules, such as the "A" format. So don't hesitate to bid on one of these cigars, should you ever attend one of these sales, because you'll be sure to help someone in need.

What more can we say, except that the whole world wants them, from Bill Clinton and Arnold Schwarzennegger to Andy Garcia and the whole Hollywood jetset. It deserves all the attention of the aficionado in you, because it's one of the best experiences you'll ever have. We are one of only a handful of stores to be its official stockist.

Cape : Dominican Republic
Sub-cape : Dominican Republic
Tripe: Dominican Republic

"I wanted to produce something I could remember. I wanted to go back to my childhood. I wanted to go back to the happiest moments of my life. I wanted my grandfather to be proud of me. I wanted my father to be proud of me and I wanted my children to be proud of me one day. It was something I had to do."

- Carlos Fuente

"It's amazing that after so many brands, sub-brands and high-end ranges, we can continue to produce so many different flavors that are all Fuente. If I've achieved anything in my life, it's because my father taught me his knowledge.

His memory continues to inspire me to do my best every day. My father will ALWAYS be my hero... I miss you dad! " 

- Carlos Fuente Jr.

Out of stock
CHF 1'324.00

Box of 20 cigars.

Out of stock
CHF 1'216.00

Box of 20 cigars.