When smoking a cigar, one thing you need to bear in mind is when are you going to put down the cigar. Are you going to keep smoking until you get to the ring? Or until your fingers start to burn?
It's a much-debated subject among cigar enthusiasts, and there's no definitive answer, but we'll try to examine how far you should smoke a cigar.
When is it time to stop smoking cigars?
Many cigar smokers have their own ideas about the right time to stop smoking a cigar. Here are some of the most common arguments about when you should stop smoking cigars:- When your cigar reaches the ring, put it down.
- Let your cigar burn naturally when it reaches three remaining finger widths.
It's too small to hold
Stop smoking a cigar if it becomes uncomfortable to hold the cigar as it nears the end. Unlike a cigarette, there's no filter at the end of a cigar to hold onto, so you'll probably have to stop smoking when it's about an inch from your mouth. If, on the other hand, you want to savor the cigar to the end, you can use a cigar holder or cigar clamp to make the most of your smoke.It makes you sick
Cigar smoking can sometimes make you feel sick, causing dizziness or nausea. This can happen for a variety of reasons, but the most common are choosing a cigar that's too strong for you, or smoking on an empty stomach. Smoking a cigar should be a pleasant experience, so if you start to feel unwell, put the cigar down.It's becoming less and less pleasant
The flavors of your cigar are likely to develop as you smoke it. While a cigar should provide a pleasurable experience, these flavors may begin to fade as you approach the end of the cigar. This may be because the cigar is too hot, resulting in bitter notes. You can either stop smoking, or purge your cigar to continue smoking. Consider your cigar in three parts:- The first step is to reheat the cigar, which involves burning off any unwanted aromas from the match or butane torch and letting the flavours develop.
- The second third of your smoke will generally be the tastiest part, with optimal draw and a variety of flavor profiles.
- Finally, you'll reach the last third, when you may notice unpleasant flavors caused by the accumulation of oils and tars from the tobacco. This is the time to purge the cigar to see if the flavors you enjoyed earlier return.